Helicopter terms & Conditions
All passengers boarding an aircraft shall present their passport or ID when requested. The Captain reserves the right to scan the passengers and/or luggage using a metal detector if he deems necessary to do so. Refusal or failure to present identification documents may lead to a cancelation of the flight and no refund shall be made. The aviation company reserves the right to deny boarding to any passenger(s) that seems to be or is acting as if he/she is intoxicated or drunk. In case the aviation company denies boarding under such circumstances no refund will be made to the customer.
2.Payment of the flight
For reservation full payment is needed. No flights depart unless they are fully paid for. Payments can be made by wire transfer or credit card through PayPal. In case the customer wishes to pay through wire transfer the flight can be performed and a flight confirmation shall be given only when the funds are traced to the company’s bank account and the customer has accepted our terms and conditions by signing the appropriate document.
3.Price Calculation
All prices provided to customers are all inclusive (all taxes and airport/handling fees, etc are included on the price).
All trips quoted are one way unless otherwise agreed (and where passengers for the return trip are actually known before the commencement of the flight). In case passengers are on board both legs additional charges apply.
In case of itinerary changes (less flight time or waiting time required) no refunds are made after flight confirmation is sent and payment is received.
In case of itinerary changes (requiring more flight time or more waiting time) the changes are subject to availability and additional charges to be made and paid for, before the continuation of the flight. In case the customer is unable to commit to the current schedule and the aircraft is scheduled for another flight, the aircraft shall depart empty and no refunds shall be made.
5.Cancelation Policy
In case of cancellations more than or up to 48 hours prior to departure a full refund shall be given. In case of cancellations of less than 48 hours in advance but more than or up to 24 hours prior to the departure time 40% of the flight will be charged and in case of cancellation less than 24 hours prior to the commencement of the flight 80% of the total amount will be charged. In case of a customer no-show the full amount of the flight will be charged. In case the aviation company cancels a flight the full amount will be refunded to the customer and according to EU rules that apply. If a flight is canceled due to weather or an unexpected restriction from the authorities the customer is entitled to a full refund unless he wishes to reschedule. Once a flight has departed and the customer wishes to either cancel the flight or return back no refunds will be made.
6.Extra Charges
Waiting – 150 euro/hr , Second pilot charge – 200 euro , Overnight charge 400 euro , all subject to availability. Waiting time and overnight charges are only applicable when the same passengers are on board both legs.
7.Weight Limitations/Baggage
All helicopters are subject to weight limitations for passengers and baggage. Customers are obliged to provide the aviation company all passengers’ names and actual weights as well as baggage weights and dimensions (if required) before the commencement of the flight. Flight confirmations sent are based on these weights and the customer is obliged to inform the aviation company for any change. The aviation company reserves the right to deny performing a flight where a weight limitation exceedance is noted or when the baggage are overweight and/or oversized and cannot safely fit inside the aircraft’s baggage compartment. The aviation company provides detailed baggage compartment dimensions for all its aircraft as well as detailed specifications. In case the aviation company can offer a larger aircraft for the flight requested due to weight limitations the flight is subject to additional charges.
8.Flight Upgrades/Aircraft Change
The aviation company reserves the right to upgrade the customer to fly with a larger aircraft at no extra charge but the customer will be informed of the change.
If the aviation company downgrades the customer (fly with a smaller aircraft than the one requested) , due to technical reasons etc. the customer shall be refunded the price difference (if any) and the change will be agreed between the customer and Superior Air prior to the commencement of the flight. In case the customer does not accept a downgrade he shall receive a full refund from Superior Air.
All customers are required to be at the point of departure at least 20 minutes prior to the Estimated Time of Departure (ETD). In case of a passenger delay and when the aircraft’s schedule is affected, the aviation company will provide an alternate ETD based on that schedule making all efforts to service the customer. If the flight cannot be performed at the same day an alternate date will be provided. In case the customer cannot fly at the revised ETD or at a different date this situation is treated as a cancellation and 100% of the total amount will be charged. In case the aviation company delays the flight for technical or other reasons the customer will either be upgraded or downgraded (when applicable) with the terms that apply. If the customer denies the alternate solution a full refund will be made. In case the customer accepts the delay and/or the schedule change , no refunds are made apart from those effective in the case of a downgrade. Once a flight has departed and the customer wishes to either cancel the flight or return back no refunds will be made.